Building Pragmatic User Interfaces in Haskell with HsQML

Building Pragmatic User Interfaces in Haskell with HsQML

Robin KAY

What is HsQML?

A binding to Qt Quick, a C++ GUI framework.

Allows you to write application logic in Haskell...

...while views are described using a language called QML.

Why Qt/QML?


Multi-lingual Text


Widgets with Native Look & Feel

What is QML?

😃QML is a Domain Specific Language for creating User Interfaces.

😒It's not an Embedded DSL though, not embedded in Haskell.

What is QML?

Describes a hierarchy of visual Items.

Items have properties.

Properties can be data-bound to your model.

What is QML?

😄I thought QML was JavaScript?

😨Actually, you can embed arbitrary JavaScript in it.

😌You don't have to though!

QML /= JavaScript

QML Example

import QtQuick 2.0

Rectangle {
    width: 300; height: 200;
    color: 'blue';

    Text {
        anchors.centerIn: parent;
        color: 'white'; font.pixelSize: 30;
        text: 'Hello World';

QML Example in Action

Isn't this a Haskell talk?


Let's build an application in Haskell!


Data Model

Field NameData Type

Prelude to Action

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Main where

import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)

import qualified Database.SQLite.Simple as S
import qualified Database.SQLite.Simple.FromField as S
import qualified Database.SQLite.Simple.ToField as S

import Graphics.QML

Create Table

createTable :: S.Connection -> IO ()
createTable conn =
    S.execute_ conn . S.Query . T.pack $
        "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS notes (" ++
            "x INTEGER, y INTEGER, front TEXT)"

Data type representing a Note

newtype Note = Note {noteId :: Int} deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable)

Select and fold over Notes in database

selectNotes :: S.Connection -> a -> (a -> Note -> IO a) -> IO a
selectNotes conn zero func =
    let query = S.Query $ T.pack
            "SELECT id FROM notes ORDER BY id DESC"
    in S.fold_ conn query zero (\acc (S.Only i) -> func acc $ Note i)

Insert new Note in database

insertNote :: S.Connection -> Int -> Int -> Text -> IO ()
insertNote conn x y front =
    S.execute conn (S.Query $ T.pack
        "INSERT INTO notes (x, y, front) VALUES (?, ?, ?)")
        (x, y, front)

Delete Note from database

deleteNote :: S.Connection -> Note -> IO ()
deleteNote conn =
    let query = S.Query $ T.pack "DELETE FROM notes WHERE id = ?"
    in S.execute conn query . S.Only . noteId

Read Note field from database

readNoteAttrib :: (S.FromField a) => S.Connection ->
    String -> ObjRef Note -> IO a
readNoteAttrib conn attrib note = do
    let query = S.Query . T.pack $
            "SELECT " ++ attrib ++ " FROM notes WHERE id = ?"
    [S.Only value] <- S.query conn query (
        S.Only . noteId $ fromObjRef note)
    return value

Update Note field in database

writeNoteAttrib :: (S.ToField a) => S.Connection ->
    String -> SignalKey (IO ()) -> ObjRef Note -> a -> IO ()
writeNoteAttrib conn attrib changeKey note value = do
    let query = S.Query . T.pack $
            "UPDATE notes SET " ++ attrib ++ " = ? WHERE id = ?"
    S.execute conn query (value, noteId $ fromObjRef note)
    fireSignal changeKey note

Take A Step Back

QML is...

Object Orientated

😅HsQML let's you define wrap an OOP veneer over your Haskell so that QML can data-bind against it.

Define Classes

data Class tt

newClass :: forall tt. Typeable tt => [Member tt] -> IO (Class tt)

A Class wraps a Haskell type

Define Methods

defMethod :: forall tt ms.
    (Marshal tt, CanGetFrom tt ~ Yes, IsObjType tt ~ Yes,
        MethodSuffix ms) =>
    String -> (tt -> ms) -> Member (GetObjType tt)
  • (tt -> ms) is the callback which implements the method.
  • (tt -> ms) is a variadic function.
  • (tt -> ms) lives in the IO monad.

class MethodSuffix a

instance (Marshal a, CanGetFrom a ~ Yes, MethodSuffix b) =>
    MethodSuffix (a -> b)

instance (Marshal a, CanReturnTo a ~ Yes) =>
    MethodSuffix (IO a)

Variadic function?

ObjRef MyObject -> Int -> Text -> IO Bool


(Marshal tt, CanGetFrom tt ~ Yes, IsObjType tt ~ Yes,
    MethodSuffix ms) => tt -> ms

(Marshal (ObjRef MyObject), CanGetFrom (ObjRef MyObject) ~ Yes,
    IsObjType (ObjRef MyObject) ~ Yes)

ObjRef MyObject -> ms

(Marshal a, CanGetFrom a ~ Yes, MethodSuffix b) => (a -> b)

ObjRef MyObject -> arg0 -> ms

(Marshal Int, CanGetFrom Int ~ Yes)

ObjRef MyObject -> Int -> ms

(Marshal a, CanGetFrom a ~ Yes, MethodSuffix b) => (a -> b)

ObjRef MyObject -> Int -> arg1 -> ms

(Marshal Text, CanGetFrom Text ~ Yes)

ObjRef MyObject -> Int -> Text -> ms

(Marshal Bool, CanReturnTo Bool ~ Yes)

ObjRef MyObject -> Int -> Text -> IO Bool

Define Signals

Signals are "inverse methods"

defSignal :: forall obj skv.
    (SignalKeyValue skv) => String -> skv -> Member obj

data SignalKey p

instance (SignalSuffix p) => SignalKeyValue (SignalKey p)

SignalKeys are used to reference defined signals when you fire them...

Fire Signals

QML data-bindings can attach to signals and listen for events

fireSignal ::
    forall tt skv. (Marshal tt, CanPassTo tt ~ Yes,
        IsObjType tt ~ Yes, SignalKeyValue skv) =>
        skv -> tt -> SignalValueParams skv

Underneath all the type machinary,

  • fireSignal is a variadic function.
  • fireSignal lives in the IO monad.

class SignalSuffix ss

Define Properties

There are lots of different kinds of property you can define.

defPropertyConst :: forall tt tr.
    (Marshal tt, CanGetFrom tt ~ Yes, IsObjType tt ~ Yes, Marshal tr,
        CanReturnTo tr ~ Yes) => String ->
    (tt -> IO tr) -> Member (GetObjType tt)

This is a constant property

Boring 😪

Exciting Properties

defPropertySigRW :: forall tt tr skv.
    (Marshal tt, CanGetFrom tt ~ Yes, IsObjType tt ~ Yes,
        Marshal tr, CanReturnTo tr ~ Yes, CanGetFrom tr ~ Yes,
        SignalKeyValue skv) => String ->
    skv ->    (tt -> IO tr) ->    (tt -> tr -> IO ()) ->    Member (GetObjType tt)

A SigRW property can:

  • Can be read from
  • Can be written to
  • Can signal changes asynchronously

Create Objects

data ObjRef tt

newObject :: forall tt. Class tt -> tt -> IO (ObjRef tt)

A Class wraps a Haskell type

An ObjRef wraps a Haskell value

fromObjRef :: ObjRef tt -> tt

Let's try that again...

writeNoteAttrib :: (S.ToField a) => S.Connection ->
    String -> SignalKey (IO ()) -> ObjRef Note -> a -> IO ()writeNoteAttrib conn attrib changeKey note value = do
    let query = S.Query . T.pack $
            "UPDATE notes SET " ++ attrib ++ " = ? WHERE id = ?"
    S.execute conn query (value, noteId $ fromObjRef note)
    fireSignal changeKey note

This function modifies state

Hence, it notifies QML that object has changed using a signal

The Big Picture

Sorry about the UML 😓

Building the Note object

createContext :: S.Connection -> IO (ObjRef ())
createContext conn = do
    changeKey <- newSignalKey    noteClass <- newClass [       defPropertySigRW "x" changeKey
            (readNoteAttrib conn "x" :: ObjRef Note -> IO Int)
            (writeNoteAttrib conn "x" changeKey),
        defPropertySigRW "y" changeKey
            (readNoteAttrib conn "y" :: ObjRef Note -> IO Int)
            (writeNoteAttrib conn "y" changeKey),        defPropertySigRW "front" changeKey
            (readNoteAttrib conn "front" :: ObjRef Note -> IO Text)
            (writeNoteAttrib conn "front" changeKey)]
  1. Creates a new SignalKey  [:: SignalKey (IO ())]
  2. Defines the class for the Note object  [:: Class Note]
  3. Defines a property backed by the database  [:: Member Note]

UML again

Building the Context object (I)

createContext :: S.Connection -> IO (ObjRef ())
createContext conn = do
    notePool <- newFactoryPool (newObject noteClass)    rootClass <- newClass [
        defPropertySigRO' "notes" changeKey (\_ ->
            selectNotes conn [] (\objs note -> do                object <- getPoolObject notePool note                return $ object:objs)),
  1. Create a FactoryPool  [:: FactoryPool Note]
  2. Get an object from the pool  [:: ObjRef Note]

A FactoryPool?

😏QML objects have reference semantics.

😋Haskell values are referentially transparent.

😨However, sometimes reference semantics are important!


help you to find the object corresponding to a value

data FactoryPool tt

newFactoryPool :: (Ord tt) =>
    (tt -> IO (ObjRef tt)) -> IO (FactoryPool tt)

getPoolObject :: (Ord tt) =>
    FactoryPool tt -> tt -> IO (ObjRef tt)
  • It's essentially a Map from tt to ObjRef tt
  • Except it can purge ObjRefs which aren't being used any more
  • You could just track the ObjRefs yourself, but this is easier

Building the Context object (I*)

newtype Note = Note {noteId :: Int} deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable)

createContext :: S.Connection -> IO (ObjRef ())
createContext conn = do
    notePool <- newFactoryPool (newObject noteClass)    rootClass <- newClass [
        defPropertySigRO' "notes" changeKey (\_ ->
            selectNotes conn [] (\objs note -> do                object <- getPoolObject notePool note                return $ object:objs)),
  1. Create a FactoryPool  [:: FactoryPool Note]
  2. Get an object from the pool  [:: ObjRef Note]

Building the Context object (II)

createContext :: S.Connection -> IO (ObjRef ())
createContext conn = do
    rootClass <- newClass [
        defMethod' "insertNote" (\this x y front -> do
            insertNote conn x y front
            fireSignal changeKey this),
        defMethod' "deleteNote" (\this note -> do
            deleteNote conn $ fromObjRef note
            fireSignal changeKey this)]
    newObject rootClass ()
  1. Creates the context object  [:: ObjRef ()]

Tying it all together

main :: IO ()
main = S.withConnection "notes.db" $ \conn -> do
    createTable conn
    ctx <- createContext conn
    runEngineLoop defaultEngineConfig {
        initialDocument = fileDocument "notes.qml",        contextObject = Just $ anyObjRef ctx}
  1. Specifies the QML document which describes the user interface
  2. Specifies the QML context object


This program keeps all it's state in the database, necessitating expensive calls on the UI thread.

You shouldn't do that!

😃There is (will be) an alternative version which uses a separate thread


Remember this?

The Window

import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.0

Window {
    width: 800; height: 600;
    title: 'HsQML Notes';
    visible: true;

    MouseArea {
        anchors.fill: parent;
        onDoubleClicked: insertNote(mouse.x, mouse.y, 'New Note');    }

  1. Calls insertNote() when you double-click inside the Window

For-each Note

Repeater {
    model: notes;
    Rectangle {

Data-bind to the 'notes' property on the context object

The Note & Drag Bar

Rectangle {
    id: noteView; color: 'yellow';
    width: 100; height: header.height + frontView.contentHeight;

    x: modelData.x; y: modelData.y;
    onXChanged: modelData.x = x; onYChanged: modelData.y = y;
    MouseArea {
        id: header; height: 20;;
        anchors.left: parent.left; anchors.right: parent.right;
        hoverEnabled: true; noteView;
        Rectangle {
            anchors.fill: parent;
            color: Qt.darker(noteView.color,
                parent.containsMouse ? 1.2 : 1.1);
  1. Data-bind to the Note's coordinate properties
  2. This one line makes the Note draggable!

The Close Button

Text {
    anchors.right: parent.right;
    anchors.rightMargin: 5;
    anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter;
    font.pixelSize: parent.height;
    text: '\u2716';
    color: closeArea.containsMouse ? 'red' : 'black';

    MouseArea {
        id: closeArea;
        anchors.fill: parent;
        hoverEnabled: true;
        onClicked: deleteNote(modelData);    }
  1. Calls deleteNote() when you click on the close button

The Text Area

TextEdit {
    id: frontView; header.bottom;
    anchors.left: parent.left; anchors.right: parent.right;
    textMargin: 2;
    wrapMode: TextEdit.Wrap;

    text: modelData.front;
    onTextChanged: modelData.front = frontView.text;}
  1. Data-bind to the Note's text property


Too childish?

Qt Quick Controls allows you create applications with native look and feel

Not childish enough?

QML is really good at animating things
