Building Pragmatic User Interfaces in Haskell with HsQML
Robin KAY
What is HsQML?
☆A binding to Qt Quick, a C++ GUI framework.
☆Allows you to write application logic in Haskell...
★...while views are described using a language called QML.
Why Qt/QML?
☑Multi-lingual Text
☑Widgets with Native Look & Feel
What is QML?
😃QML is a Domain Specific Language for creating User Interfaces.
😒It's not an Embedded DSL though, not embedded in Haskell.
What is QML?
☆Describes a hierarchy of visual Items.
☆Items have properties.
☆Properties can be data-bound to your model.
What is QML?
😄I thought QML was JavaScript?
😨Actually, you can embed arbitrary JavaScript in it.
😌You don't have to though!
QML Example
import QtQuick 2.0
Rectangle {
width: 300; height: 200;
color: 'blue';
Text {
anchors.centerIn: parent;
color: 'white'; font.pixelSize: 30;
text: 'Hello World';
QML Example in Action
Isn't this a Haskell talk?
Let's build an application in Haskell!
Data Model
Field Name | Data Type |
front | TEXT |
Prelude to Action
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Main where
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import qualified Database.SQLite.Simple as S
import qualified Database.SQLite.Simple.FromField as S
import qualified Database.SQLite.Simple.ToField as S
import Graphics.QML
Create Table
createTable :: S.Connection -> IO ()
createTable conn =
S.execute_ conn . S.Query . T.pack $
Data type representing a Note
newtype Note = Note {noteId :: Int} deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable)
Select and fold over Notes in database
selectNotes :: S.Connection -> a -> (a -> Note -> IO a) -> IO a
selectNotes conn zero func =
let query = S.Query $ T.pack
in S.fold_ conn query zero (\acc (S.Only i) -> func acc $ Note i)
Insert new Note in database
insertNote :: S.Connection -> Int -> Int -> Text -> IO ()
insertNote conn x y front =
S.execute conn (S.Query $ T.pack
"INSERT INTO notes (x, y, front) VALUES (?, ?, ?)")
(x, y, front)
Delete Note from database
deleteNote :: S.Connection -> Note -> IO ()
deleteNote conn =
let query = S.Query $ T.pack "DELETE FROM notes WHERE id = ?"
in S.execute conn query . S.Only . noteId
Read Note field from database
readNoteAttrib :: (S.FromField a) => S.Connection ->
String -> ObjRef Note -> IO a
readNoteAttrib conn attrib note = do
let query = S.Query . T.pack $
"SELECT " ++ attrib ++ " FROM notes WHERE id = ?"
[S.Only value] <- S.query conn query (
S.Only . noteId $ fromObjRef note)
return value
Update Note field in database
writeNoteAttrib :: (S.ToField a) => S.Connection ->
String -> SignalKey (IO ()) -> ObjRef Note -> a -> IO ()
writeNoteAttrib conn attrib changeKey note value = do
let query = S.Query . T.pack $
"UPDATE notes SET " ++ attrib ++ " = ? WHERE id = ?"
S.execute conn query (value, noteId $ fromObjRef note)
fireSignal changeKey note
QML is...
☑Object Orientated
😅HsQML let's you define wrap an OOP veneer over your Haskell so that QML can data-bind against it.
Define Classes
data Class tt
newClass :: forall tt. Typeable tt => [Member tt] -> IO (Class tt)
A Class wraps a Haskell type
Define Methods
defMethod :: forall tt ms.
(Marshal tt, CanGetFrom tt ~ Yes, IsObjType tt ~ Yes,
MethodSuffix ms) =>
String -> (tt -> ms) -> Member (GetObjType tt)
- (tt -> ms) is the callback which implements the method.
- (tt -> ms) is a variadic function.
- (tt -> ms) lives in the IO monad.
class MethodSuffix a
instance (Marshal a, CanGetFrom a ~ Yes, MethodSuffix b) =>
MethodSuffix (a -> b)
instance (Marshal a, CanReturnTo a ~ Yes) =>
MethodSuffix (IO a)
Variadic function?
ObjRef MyObject -> Int -> Text -> IO Bool
(Marshal tt, CanGetFrom tt ~ Yes, IsObjType tt ~ Yes,
MethodSuffix ms) => tt -> ms
(Marshal (ObjRef MyObject), CanGetFrom (ObjRef MyObject) ~ Yes,
IsObjType (ObjRef MyObject) ~ Yes)
ObjRef MyObject -> ms
(Marshal a, CanGetFrom a ~ Yes, MethodSuffix b) => (a -> b)
ObjRef MyObject -> arg0 -> ms
(Marshal Int, CanGetFrom Int ~ Yes)
ObjRef MyObject -> Int -> ms
(Marshal a, CanGetFrom a ~ Yes, MethodSuffix b) => (a -> b)
ObjRef MyObject -> Int -> arg1 -> ms
(Marshal Text, CanGetFrom Text ~ Yes)
ObjRef MyObject -> Int -> Text -> ms
(Marshal Bool, CanReturnTo Bool ~ Yes)
ObjRef MyObject -> Int -> Text -> IO Bool
Define Signals
Signals are "inverse methods"
defSignal :: forall obj skv.
(SignalKeyValue skv) => String -> skv -> Member obj
data SignalKey p
instance (SignalSuffix p) => SignalKeyValue (SignalKey p)
SignalKeys are used to reference defined signals when you fire them...
Fire Signals
QML data-bindings can attach to signals and listen for events
fireSignal ::
forall tt skv. (Marshal tt, CanPassTo tt ~ Yes,
IsObjType tt ~ Yes, SignalKeyValue skv) =>
skv -> tt -> SignalValueParams skv
Underneath all the type machinary,
- fireSignal is a variadic function.
- fireSignal lives in the IO monad.
class SignalSuffix ss
Define Properties
There are lots of different kinds of property you can define.
defPropertyConst :: forall tt tr.
(Marshal tt, CanGetFrom tt ~ Yes, IsObjType tt ~ Yes, Marshal tr,
CanReturnTo tr ~ Yes) => String ->
(tt -> IO tr) -> Member (GetObjType tt)
This is a constant property
Boring 😪
Exciting Properties
defPropertySigRW :: forall tt tr skv.
(Marshal tt, CanGetFrom tt ~ Yes, IsObjType tt ~ Yes,
Marshal tr, CanReturnTo tr ~ Yes, CanGetFrom tr ~ Yes,
SignalKeyValue skv) => String ->
skv ->
(tt -> IO tr) ->
(tt -> tr -> IO ()) ->
Member (GetObjType tt)
A SigRW property can:
- Can be read from
- Can be written to
- Can signal changes asynchronously
Create Objects
data ObjRef tt
newObject :: forall tt. Class tt -> tt -> IO (ObjRef tt)
A Class wraps a Haskell type
An ObjRef wraps a Haskell value
fromObjRef :: ObjRef tt -> tt
Let's try that again...
writeNoteAttrib :: (S.ToField a) => S.Connection ->
String -> SignalKey (IO ()) -> ObjRef Note -> a -> IO ()
writeNoteAttrib conn attrib changeKey note value = do
let query = S.Query . T.pack $
"UPDATE notes SET " ++ attrib ++ " = ? WHERE id = ?"
S.execute conn query (value, noteId $ fromObjRef note)
fireSignal changeKey note
This function modifies state
Hence, it notifies QML that object has changed using a signal
The Big Picture
Sorry about the UML 😓
Building the Note object
createContext :: S.Connection -> IO (ObjRef ())
createContext conn = do
changeKey <- newSignalKey
noteClass <- newClass [
defPropertySigRW "x" changeKey
(readNoteAttrib conn "x" :: ObjRef Note -> IO Int)
(writeNoteAttrib conn "x" changeKey),
defPropertySigRW "y" changeKey
(readNoteAttrib conn "y" :: ObjRef Note -> IO Int)
(writeNoteAttrib conn "y" changeKey),
defPropertySigRW "front" changeKey
(readNoteAttrib conn "front" :: ObjRef Note -> IO Text)
(writeNoteAttrib conn "front" changeKey)]
- Creates a new SignalKey [:: SignalKey (IO ())]
- Defines the class for the Note object [:: Class Note]
- Defines a property backed by the database [:: Member Note]
UML again
Building the Context object (I)
createContext :: S.Connection -> IO (ObjRef ())
createContext conn = do
notePool <- newFactoryPool (newObject noteClass)
rootClass <- newClass [
defPropertySigRO' "notes" changeKey (\_ ->
selectNotes conn [] (\objs note -> do
object <- getPoolObject notePool note
return $ object:objs)),
- Create a FactoryPool [:: FactoryPool Note]
- Get an object from the pool [:: ObjRef Note]
A FactoryPool?
😏QML objects have reference semantics.
😋Haskell values are referentially transparent.
😨However, sometimes reference semantics are important!
help you to find the object corresponding to a value
data FactoryPool tt
newFactoryPool :: (Ord tt) =>
(tt -> IO (ObjRef tt)) -> IO (FactoryPool tt)
getPoolObject :: (Ord tt) =>
FactoryPool tt -> tt -> IO (ObjRef tt)
- It's essentially a Map from tt to ObjRef tt
- Except it can purge ObjRefs which aren't being used any more
- You could just track the ObjRefs yourself, but this is easier
Building the Context object (I*)
newtype Note = Note {noteId :: Int} deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable)
createContext :: S.Connection -> IO (ObjRef ())
createContext conn = do
notePool <- newFactoryPool (newObject noteClass)
rootClass <- newClass [
defPropertySigRO' "notes" changeKey (\_ ->
selectNotes conn [] (\objs note -> do
object <- getPoolObject notePool note
return $ object:objs)),
- Create a FactoryPool [:: FactoryPool Note]
- Get an object from the pool [:: ObjRef Note]
Building the Context object (II)
createContext :: S.Connection -> IO (ObjRef ())
createContext conn = do
rootClass <- newClass [
defMethod' "insertNote" (\this x y front -> do
insertNote conn x y front
fireSignal changeKey this),
defMethod' "deleteNote" (\this note -> do
deleteNote conn $ fromObjRef note
fireSignal changeKey this)]
newObject rootClass ()
- Creates the context object [:: ObjRef ()]
Tying it all together
main :: IO ()
main = S.withConnection "notes.db" $ \conn -> do
createTable conn
ctx <- createContext conn
runEngineLoop defaultEngineConfig {
initialDocument = fileDocument "notes.qml",
contextObject = Just $ anyObjRef ctx}
- Specifies the QML document which describes the user interface
- Specifies the QML context object
⚠This program keeps all it's state in the database, necessitating expensive calls on the UI thread.
☠You shouldn't do that!
😃There is (will be) an alternative version which uses a separate thread
Remember this?
The Window
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.0
Window {
width: 800; height: 600;
title: 'HsQML Notes';
visible: true;
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent;
onDoubleClicked: insertNote(mouse.x, mouse.y, 'New Note');
- Calls insertNote() when you double-click inside the Window
For-each Note
Repeater {
model: notes;
Rectangle {
Data-bind to the 'notes' property on the context object
The Note & Drag Bar
Rectangle {
id: noteView; color: 'yellow';
width: 100; height: header.height + frontView.contentHeight;
x: modelData.x; y: modelData.y;
onXChanged: modelData.x = x; onYChanged: modelData.y = y;
MouseArea {
id: header; height: 20;;
anchors.left: parent.left; anchors.right: parent.right;
hoverEnabled: true; noteView;
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent;
color: Qt.darker(noteView.color,
parent.containsMouse ? 1.2 : 1.1);
- Data-bind to the Note's coordinate properties
- This one line makes the Note draggable!
The Close Button
Text {
anchors.right: parent.right;
anchors.rightMargin: 5;
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter;
font.pixelSize: parent.height;
text: '\u2716';
color: closeArea.containsMouse ? 'red' : 'black';
MouseArea {
id: closeArea;
anchors.fill: parent;
hoverEnabled: true;
onClicked: deleteNote(modelData);
- Calls deleteNote() when you click on the close button
The Text Area
TextEdit {
id: frontView; header.bottom;
anchors.left: parent.left; anchors.right: parent.right;
textMargin: 2;
wrapMode: TextEdit.Wrap;
text: modelData.front;
onTextChanged: modelData.front = frontView.text;
- Data-bind to the Note's text property
Too childish?
Qt Quick Controls allows you create applications with native look and feel
Not childish enough?
QML is really good at animating things